IPO Services

IPO(Initial Public Offer)
Traditionally teams of Initial Public Offerings (IPO) advisors are usually fragmented and comprised of lawyers, bankers, auditors and consultants from different professional firms. PAA can provide teams of specialists whose experience covers the critical areas of an IPO. PAA can provide a wide range of advisory services to address the issues faced by clients on their journey towards IPO and their preparations for being a listed company after the IPO.

We provide following Services to Companies for IPO Planning :
• Exploring IPO possibility and Valuation.
• Capital Structuring
• Short listing of Merchant Bankers & Other Intermediaries
• Searching Suitable Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) such as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Company Secretary (CS).
• Guidance on searching Independent Directors.
• Designing of Corporate Governance Policies& Other Policies
• Co-ordination for Due Diligence
• Co-ordination for SEBI Approval
• Registrar of Companies Approvals
• Peer Review Certification and Audit of Financial Statements as per SEBI Guidelines for IPO.
• Restatement of Financial Statements as per SEBI Guidelines for IPO.
• Certifications for IPOs
• Convergence and Implementation of IND AS for listed and under listing Companies.
• Statutory Audit and other audits for listed Companies.

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